Malta maritime services have become highly sought-after in recent years. Malta is a popular vessel registry with its long-lasting maritime tradition and culture. In essence, Malta’s benefits to the maritime industry are geographical, reputational, and financial.
Endevio harnesses the unique strengths of each of the company’s specialised units to provide customised services continuously. Register your ships and yachts in Malta with the guidance of Endevio.
Services we offer:
- Pleasure Yacht Registration in Malta
- Commercial Yacht Registration in Malta
- Vessel Registration
- VAT Leasing Structures
Malta Maritime Services: who can register vessels in Malta?
Any EU citizen who resides in Malta may register a vessel under the Malta flag. In addition, Maltese corporate entities may register ships under the island country’s flag. Moreover, EU citizens not residing in Malta and corporate entities not registered in Malta may also register a vessel under the Malta flag, provided a resident agent has been appointed. Additionally, non-EU citizens who own a business in Malta may also register a vessel under the company’s name.
Transport Malta is the authority in Malta for registering your yachts. There are two uses of yachts in Malta:
Pleasure Yacht Registration in Malta
Firstly, private yachts are any pleasure yachts six (6) metres long or more, without passengers for reward, not engaged in trade, and used solely by the owner.PLEASURE YACHT REGISTRATION >>
Commercial Yacht Registration in Malta
Secondly, commercially registered yachts are fifteen (15) metres long or more, operated by the owner or a body corporate owning the vessel for commercial use. Essentially, these yachts do not carry cargo and carry not more than 12 passengers.COMMERCIAL YACHT REGISTRATION >>
Vessel Registration
Additionally, the Maltese Register is the sixth-largest maritime register in the world and the largest in the European Union. Fundamentally, we conform with EU Directives and International Maritime Organisation (“IMO”) Conventions, registering all types of vessels under the Malta flag. You may register even ships under construction as non-EU/EEA residents and owners.
Notably, the advantages of registering your vessel in Malta are not limited to the country’s reputation. The accompanying substantial fiscal benefits also extend to the quality of comprehensive local services.
VAT leasing structures
In addition, VAT is due on the leasing of yachts and superyachts for pleasure at reduced rates calculated on the effective use and enjoyment of the vessel in EU waters, with no VAT chargeable on the use of the yacht by the lessee in non-EU and international waters. There are also VAT benefits for the short-term chartering of pleasure boats and the fulfilment of several conditions. The yacht has to be at the customer’s disposal in Malta, in satisfaction with the place of supply rules.
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